Megasol Technologies is a Swedish company based in Uppsala specializing in developing the next generation core banking system. Let us share some information and give you some knowledge about what is going on in our world. Enjoy!
- To lend or not to lend, that is the questionby Paul de FreitasPolonius gave some advice to Laertes in Hamlet – Neither a borrower or a lender be! But hold on a moment – you are in the business of lending and thousands of people and companies depend on you to see them through a time of shortage – a time of planning – a time when you are the only organisation they feel able to turn to in time of need. Shakespeare, William to his friends, was examining a relationship between friends. “I’m broke, lend me some ducats and I promise to pay you back on the morrow.” Or words to … Read more
- To lend or not to lend, that is the questionby Paul de FreitasPolonius gave some advice to Laertes in Hamlet – Neither a borrower or a lender be! But hold on a moment – you are in … Read more
- Too many cooks?by Paul de FreitasThanks for dropping by my kitchen again – much appreciated. Being the Caribbean partner in Megasol, I am known for my curry recipes. I typically make enough for three days because curry matures nicely and tastes better over those additional days.
- What is money?by Mårten TörnquistIt is August and it is back to school time of the year so what could be better for a blog post then looking a little bit of the history of money and what characteristics we expect from it such as a medium of exchange, store of value and unit of account.
- ISO20022 – The good, the bad and the uglyby Mårten TörnquistISO20022 is a system for sending messages in XML format used by financial institutions around the world. It was invented by SWIFT and published as an ISO standard in 2004. It was initially intended for cross border communication but, over time, has been adopted for domestic financial communication as well.
- Finding the right lightby Paul de FreitasWelcome to the second edition of our new blog. Each of the partners at Megasol will be contributing their thoughts about once a month and we hope that you enjoy and follow them. I thought I would explore the world of sea turtles and what they mean for our customers! What? Sea turtles? How is that relevant?
- Everything changes – Nothing is newby Mårten TörnquistWe have finally completed a long overdue update of our home here on the web, so what could be better than start this blog with a look at Megasol’s history and how the banking environment has changed over the years.